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HomeWhy Volunteer?

Why Volunteer?

Here is what some of our volunteers have to say….
  • It’s a wonderful way to give back to the community that has given us so much!!!
  • I have made and continue to make, extraordinary friends within our Village community.
  • It warms my heart to know that I am making a positive difference in some people’s lives.
  • I continue to learn important lessons from our Members by just listening to them. Some of the highlights are:
    • Appreciating what we have for as long as we are able to;
    • How to really live & love life to the fullest; and,
    • How to enjoy your life even into one’s senior years…
  • I volunteer because that is the commitment I made when we joined the Village.
  • I volunteer because I am still able to drive and to safely accompany members to appointments etc.
  • I enjoy talking to folks, hearing their life stories, and listening to them talk about their families, their day or their needs. This helps me to be thankful for and appreciate my health and well-being today.
  • During my time as a young child and teenager, our family lived in a neighborhood with our grandparents, and elderly neighbors whom we often helped or visited as friends.
  • I started volunteering because I have a soft spot for the elderly - but I continue to do it because these members are funny and inspirational. 90-year-olds today are not people to be ignored - they are smart, together, and thriving. Also, we are all getting older - how do we hope to be treated by those around us?!!!
  • Glad I can help. It also gives me something to do in retirement.
  • Society often ignores older people. This way I know more people in my community that I may never have met.
  • We as parents take care of our kids. For lots of our seniors now, their kids live far away and cannot help their parents when it’s their time for help.
  • I like the sharing of knowledge and experiences. I meet great people.
  • It is a really flexible volunteering opportunity. I am not tied to a particular time or day of the week. It works around vacations and other commitments.
  • Losing one’s ability to drive is one of the most devastating things that can happen to us as we age; and to some, it happens suddenly. I am honored to be able to ease this loss by driving our members places that they may not be able to get to otherwise.